
These are utilities that facilitate common functionality and introspection into data streams.


Polls /stats for all the producers of the specified topic/channel and displays aggregate stats

  total    mem    disk inflt   def |     req     t-o         msgs clients
  24660  24660       0     0    20 |  102688       0    132492418       1
  25001  25001       0     0    20 |  102688       0    132493086       1
  21132  21132       0     0    21 |  102688       0    132493729       1

Command Line Options

-channel string
    NSQ channel
-count value
    number of reports
-http-client-connect-timeout duration
    timeout for HTTP connect (default 2s)
-http-client-request-timeout duration
    timeout for HTTP request (default 5s)
-interval duration
    duration of time between polling/printing output (default 2s)
-lookupd-http-address value
    lookupd HTTP address (may be given multiple times)
-nsqd-http-address value
    nsqd HTTP address (may be given multiple times)
-topic string
    NSQ topic
    print version


Consumes the specified topic/channel and writes to stdout (in the spirit of tail(1))

Command Line Options

-channel string
    NSQ channel
-consumer-opt value
    option to passthrough to nsq.Consumer (may be given multiple times, http://godoc.org/github.com/nsqio/go-nsq#Config)
-lookupd-http-address value
    lookupd HTTP address (may be given multiple times)
-max-in-flight int
    max number of messages to allow in flight (default 200)
-n int
    total messages to show (will wait if starved)
-nsqd-tcp-address value
    nsqd TCP address (may be given multiple times)
    print topic name where message was received
-topic value
    NSQ topic (may be given multiple times)
    print version string


Consumes the specified topic/channel and writes out to a newline delimited file, optionally rolling and/or compressing the file.

Command Line Options

-channel string
    nsq channel (default "nsq_to_file")
-consumer-opt value
    option to passthrough to nsq.Consumer (may be given multiple times, http://godoc.org/github.com/nsqio/go-nsq#Config)
-datetime-format string
    strftime compatible format for <DATETIME> in filename format (default "%Y-%m-%d_%H")
-filename-format string
    output filename format (<TOPIC>, <HOST>, <PID>, <DATETIME>, <REV> are replaced. <REV> is increased when file already exists) (default "<TOPIC>.<HOST><REV>.<DATETIME>.log")
    gzip output files.
-gzip-level int
    gzip compression level (1-9, 1=BestSpeed, 9=BestCompression) (default 6)
-host-identifier string
    value to output in log filename in place of hostname. <SHORT_HOST> and <HOSTNAME> are valid replacement tokens
-http-client-connect-timeout duration
    timeout for HTTP connect (default 2s)
-http-client-request-timeout duration
    timeout for HTTP request (default 5s)
-log-level string
    set log verbosity: debug, info, warn, error, or fatal (default "info")
-log-prefix string
    log message prefix (default "[nsq_to_file] ")
-lookupd-http-address value
    lookupd HTTP address (may be given multiple times)
-max-in-flight int
    max number of messages to allow in flight (default 200)
-nsqd-tcp-address value
    nsqd TCP address (may be given multiple times)
-output-dir string
    directory to write output files to (default "/tmp")
-rotate-interval duration
    rotate the file every duration
-rotate-size rotate-size
    rotate the file when it grows bigger than rotate-size bytes
    skip writing empty files
-sync-interval duration
    sync file to disk every duration (default 30s)
-topic value
    nsq topic (may be given multiple times)
-topic-pattern string
    only log topics matching the following pattern
-topic-refresh duration
    how frequently the topic list should be refreshed (default 1m0s)
    print version string
-work-dir string
    directory for in-progress files before moving to output-dir


Consumes the specified topic/channel and performs HTTP requests (GET/POST) to the specified endpoints.

Command Line Options

-channel string
    nsq channel (default "nsq_to_http")
-consumer-opt value
    option to passthrough to nsq.Consumer (may be given multiple times, http://godoc.org/github.com/nsqio/go-nsq#Config)
-content-type string
    the Content-Type used for POST requests (default "application/octet-stream")
-get value
    HTTP address to make a GET request to. '%s' will be printf replaced with data (may be given multiple times)
-header value
    Custom header for HTTP requests (may be given multiple times)
-http-client-connect-timeout duration
    timeout for HTTP connect (default 2s)
-http-client-request-timeout duration
    timeout for HTTP request (default 20s)
-lookupd-http-address value
    lookupd HTTP address (may be given multiple times)
-max-in-flight int
    max number of messages to allow in flight (default 200)
-mode string
    the upstream request mode options: round-robin, hostpool (default), epsilon-greedy (default "hostpool")
-n int
    number of concurrent publishers (default 100)
-nsqd-tcp-address value
    nsqd TCP address (may be given multiple times)
-post value
    HTTP address to make a POST request to.  data will be in the body (may be given multiple times)
-sample float
    % of messages to publish (float b/w 0 -> 1) (default 1)
-status-every int
    the # of requests between logging status (per handler), 0 disables (default 250)
-topic string
    nsq topic
    print version string


Consumes the specified topic/channel and re-publishes the messages to destination nsqd via TCP.

Command Line Options

-channel string
    nsq channel (default "nsq_to_nsq")
-consumer-opt value
    option to passthrough to nsq.Consumer (may be given multiple times, see http://godoc.org/github.com/nsqio/go-nsq#Config)
-destination-nsqd-tcp-address value
    destination nsqd TCP address (may be given multiple times)
-destination-topic string
    use this destination topic for all consumed topics (default is consumed topic name)
-lookupd-http-address value
    lookupd HTTP address (may be given multiple times)
-max-in-flight int
    max number of messages to allow in flight (default 200)
-mode string
    the upstream request mode options: round-robin, hostpool (default), epsilon-greedy (default "hostpool")
-nsqd-tcp-address value
    nsqd TCP address (may be given multiple times)
-producer-opt value
    option to passthrough to nsq.Producer (may be given multiple times, see http://godoc.org/github.com/nsqio/go-nsq#Config)
-require-json-field string
    for JSON messages: only pass messages that contain this field
-require-json-value string
    for JSON messages: only pass messages in which the required field has this value
-status-every int
    the # of requests between logging status (per destination), 0 disables (default 250)
-topic value
    nsq topic (may be given multiple times)
    print version string
-whitelist-json-field value
    for JSON messages: pass this field (may be given multiple times)


Takes a stdin stream and splits on newlines (default) for re-publishing to destination nsqd via TCP.

Command Line Options

-delimiter string
    character to split input from stdin (default "\n")
-nsqd-tcp-address value
    destination nsqd TCP address (may be given multiple times)
-producer-opt value
    option to passthrough to nsq.Producer (may be given multiple times, http://godoc.org/github.com/nsqio/go-nsq#Config)
-rate int
    Throttle messages to n/second. 0 to disable
-topic string
    NSQ topic to publish to