TCP Protocol Spec

The NSQ protocol is simple enough that building clients should be trivial in any language. We provide official Go and Python client libraries.

An nsqd process listens on a configurable TCP port that accepts client connections.

After connecting, a client must send a 4-byte “magic” identifier indicating what version of the protocol they will be communicating (upgrades made easy).

  • V2 (4-byte ASCII [space][space][V][2]) a push based streaming protocol for consuming (and request/response for publishing)

After authenticating, the client can optionally send an IDENTIFY command to provide custom metadata (like, for example, more descriptive identifiers) and negotiate features. In order to begin consuming messages, a client must SUB to a channel.

Upon subscribing the client is placed in a RDY state of 0. This means that no messages will be sent to the client. When a client is ready to receive messages it should send a command that updates its RDY state to some # it is prepared to handle, say 100. Without any additional commands, 100 messages will be pushed to the client as they are available (each time decrementing the server-side RDY count for that client).

The V2 protocol also features client heartbeats. Every 30s (default but configurable), nsqd will send a _heartbeat_ response and expect a command in return. If the client is idle, send NOP. After 2 unanswered _heartbeat_ responses, nsqd will timeout and forcefully close a client connection that it has not heard from. The IDENTIFY command may be used to change/disable this behavior.


  • Unless stated otherwise, all binary sizes/integers on the wire are network byte order (ie. big endian)

  • Valid topic and channel names are characters [.a-zA-Z0-9_-] and 1 <= length <= 64 (max length was 32 prior to nsqd 0.2.28)



Update client metadata on the server and negotiate features

[ 4-byte size in bytes ][ N-byte JSON data ]

NOTE: this command takes a size prefixed JSON body, relevant fields:

  • client_id an identifier used to disambiguate this client (ie. something specific to the consumer)

  • hostname the hostname where the client is deployed

  • feature_negotiation (nsqd v0.2.19+) bool used to indicate that the client supports feature negotiation. If the server is capable, it will send back a JSON payload of supported features and metadata.

  • heartbeat_interval (nsqd v0.2.19+) milliseconds between heartbeats.

    Valid range: 1000 <= heartbeat_interval <= configured_max (-1 disables heartbeats)

    --max-heartbeat-interval (nsqd flag) controls the max

    Defaults to --client-timeout / 2

  • output_buffer_size (nsqd v0.2.21+) the size in bytes of the buffer nsqd will use when writing to this client.

    Valid range: 64 <= output_buffer_size <= configured_max (-1 disables output buffering)

    --max-output-buffer-size (nsqd flag) controls the max

    Defaults to 16kb

  • output_buffer_timeout (nsqd v0.2.21+) the timeout after which any data that nsqd has buffered will be flushed to this client.

    Valid range: 1ms <= output_buffer_timeout <= configured_max (-1 disables timeouts)

    --max-output-buffer-timeout (nsqd flag) controls the max

    Defaults to 250ms

    Warning: configuring clients with an extremely low (< 25ms) output_buffer_timeout has a significant effect on nsqd CPU usage (particularly with > 50 clients connected).

    This is due to the current implementation relying on Go timers which are maintained by the Go runtime in a priority queue. See the commit message in pull request #236 for more details.

  • tls_v1 (nsqd v0.2.22+) enable TLS for this connection.

    --tls-cert and --tls-key (nsqd flags) enable TLS and configure the server certificate

    If the server supports TLS it will reply "tls_v1": true

    The client should begin the TLS handshake immediately after reading the IDENTIFY response

    The server will respond OK after completing the TLS handshake

  • snappy (nsqd v0.2.23+) enable snappy compression for this connection.

    --snappy (nsqd flag) enables support for this server side

    The client should expect an additional, snappy compressed OK response immediately after the IDENTIFY response.

    A client cannot enable both snappy and deflate.

  • deflate (nsqd v0.2.23+) enable deflate compression for this connection.

    --deflate (nsqd flag) enables support for this server side

    The client should expect an additional, deflate compressed OK response immediately after the IDENTIFY response.

    A client cannot enable both snappy and deflate.

  • deflate_level (nsqd v0.2.23+) configure the deflate compression level for this connection.

    --max-deflate-level (nsqd flag) configures the maximum allowed value

    Valid range: 1 <= deflate_level <= configured_max

    Higher values mean better compression but more CPU usage for nsqd.

  • sample_rate (nsqd v0.2.25+) deliver a percentage of all messages received to this connection.

    Valid range: 0 <= sample_rate <= 99 (0 disables sampling)

    Defaults to 0

  • user_agent (nsqd v0.2.25+) a string identifying the agent for this client in the spirit of HTTP

    Default: <client_library_name>/<version>

  • msg_timeout (nsqd v0.2.28+) configure the server-side message timeout in milliseconds for messages delivered to this client.

Success Response:


NOTE: if feature_negotiation was sent by the client (and the server supports it) the response will be a JSON payload as described above.

Error Responses:



Subscribe to a topic/channel

SUB <topic_name> <channel_name>\n

<topic_name> - a valid string (optionally having #ephemeral suffix)
<channel_name> - a valid string (optionally having #ephemeral suffix)

Success response:


Error Responses:



Publish a message to a topic:

PUB <topic_name>\n
[ 4-byte size in bytes ][ N-byte binary data ]

<topic_name> - a valid string (optionally having #ephemeral suffix)

Success Response:


Error Responses:



Publish multiple messages to a topic (atomically):

NOTE: available in nsqd v0.2.16+

MPUB <topic_name>\n
[ 4-byte body size ]
[ 4-byte num messages ]
[ 4-byte message #1 size ][ N-byte binary data ]
      ... (repeated <num_messages> times)

<topic_name> - a valid string (optionally having #ephemeral suffix)

Success Response:


Error Responses:



Publish a deferred message to a topic:

NOTE: available in nsqd v0.3.6+

DPUB <topic_name> <defer_time>\n
[ 4-byte size in bytes ][ N-byte binary data ]

<topic_name> - a valid string (optionally having #ephemeral suffix)
<defer_time> - a string representation of integer D which defines the time for how long to defer where 0 <= D < max-requeue-timeout

Success Response:


Error Responses:



Update RDY state (indicate you are ready to receive N messages)

NOTE: as of nsqd v0.2.20+ use --max-rdy-count to bound this value

RDY <count>\n

<count> - a string representation of integer N where 0 < N <= configured_max

NOTE: there is no success response

Error Responses:



Finish a message (indicate successful processing)

FIN <message_id>\n

<message_id> - message id as 16-byte hex string

NOTE: there is no success response

Error Responses:



Re-queue a message (indicate failure to process)

The re-queued message is placed at the tail of the queue, equivalent to having just published it, but for various implementation specific reasons that behavior should not be explicitly relied upon and may change in the future.

Similarly, a message that is in-flight and times out behaves identically to an explicit REQ.

REQ <message_id> <timeout>\n

<message_id> - message id as 16-byte hex string
<timeout> - a string representation of integer N where N <= configured max timeout
    timeout == 0 - requeue a message immediately
    timeout  > 0 - defer requeue for timeout milliseconds

NOTE: there is no success response

Error Responses:



Reset the timeout for an in-flight message

NOTE: available in nsqd v0.2.17+

TOUCH <message_id>\n

<message_id> - the hex id of the message

NOTE: there is no success response

Error Responses:



Cleanly close your connection (no more messages are sent)


Success Responses:


Error Responses:





NOTE: there is no response


NOTE: available in nsqd v0.2.29+

If the IDENTIFY response indicates auth_required=true the client must send AUTH before any SUB, PUB or MPUB commands. If auth_required is not present (or false), a client must not authorize.

When nsqd receives an AUTH command it delegates responsibility to the configured --auth-http-address by performing an HTTP request with client metadata in the form of query parameters: the connection’s remote address, TLS state, and the supplied auth secret. See AUTH for more details.

[ 4-byte size in bytes ][ N-byte Auth Secret ]

Success Response:

A JSON payload describing the authorized client’s identity, an optional URL and a count of permissions which were authorized.

{"identity":"...", "identity_url":"...", "permission_count":1}

Error Responses:

E_AUTH_FAILED - An error occurred contacting an auth server
E_UNAUTHORIZED - No permissions found

Data Format

Data is streamed asynchronously to the client and framed in order to support the various reply bodies, ie:

|  (int32) ||  (int32) || (binary)
|  4-byte  ||  4-byte  || N-byte
    size     frame type     data

A client should expect one of the following frame types:

FrameTypeResponse int32 = 0
FrameTypeError    int32 = 1
FrameTypeMessage  int32 = 2

And finally, the message format:

|       (int64)        ||    ||      (hex string encoded in ASCII)           || (binary)
|       8-byte         ||    ||                 16-byte                      || N-byte
  nanosecond timestamp    ^^                   message ID                       message body